Emily Morales
Med Tech
Emily Morales was born in Evansville, Indiana, and moved to San Antonio, Texas at the age of 2. She is currently finishing up the core curriculum and plans to transfer to a nursing program to receive her Bachelor’s in Nursing.
Emily is the proud daughter of a U.S. Navy veteran and the proud granddaughter of a U.S. Army veteran.
My Why:
Being the daughter of a U.S. Navy veteran, I have heard countless stories of what it’s like to serve hundreds of feet below the water’s surface for months at a time. I have heard both stories of laughter and stories of hardship. I was raised to acknowledge the sacrifice others have made and to follow in their footsteps. I take great pride in being able to give back to those who have given their freedom for mine.
I have also witnessed first-hand what PTSD can do. My adopted brother survived childhood trauma and continues to fight the after-effects of these events. I have been by his side supporting him as he transitions into independent adult life and attends rehabilitation. My grandfather also suffered from service-related trauma and developed a substance use disorder as a consequence. He passed on before I was born, but I have heard stories of how this disorder not only affected him but affected the life of my father and his brothers
Because I have personal connections to the service and mental health disorders, I find it fulfilling to give back and be a part of the transition others take to be their best self. It is an honor to be a part of Warriors Heart staff.