TC Cummings
Warrior Coaching
TC Cummings brings a unique, common sense approach for lasting personal empowerment. Like the yin and yang model, Cummings combines a multifaceted approach with the singular most common denominator to the world’s most universal battlefield: the battle within.
In 1986 TC enlisted in the US Navy, was trained as a Hospital Corpsman and US Navy SEAL where he deployed three times in war time conditions. Decorated on multiple accounts, he was honorably discharged from service in 1994.
Having been a teacher, a trainer, and a confidant to some of the world’s mightiest warriors (and biggest egos) prepared TC Cummings to provide the same services in the civilian sector. Often turning to the journals he kept since childhood and through his career as a SEAL Operator, he effectively translated the mental tools learned for success, proven under fire and easily remembered, to business owners, executives, and staffing.
Refining his skills further, he became a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Time-Line Therapist to better understand people. He brought his leadership experience and commitment level to “the chairman of public speaking” Mr. Jim Rohn. For eight years, TC Cummings served as the first and only Master Coach of the highly revered Jim Rohn International.
TC Cummings has been on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, America’s #1 watched morning news show Fox & Friends, and various radio interviews. His clients vary from small business owners to mega-employers at home and abroad. All clients have a common the desire to do what they have to do today so they can be where they want to be tomorrow.