Our Mission

Warriors Healing Warriors

Our mission is to heal our nation’s warriors through our private, licensed, and accredited resort-style healing centers. We do this by specializing in substance abuse treatment and co-occurring psychological disorders, with special attention to post-traumatic stress, unresolved grief/loss, and moral injury. Our treatment courses provide the full continuum of care, from detox, inpatient (residential), day treatment, outpatient, sober living, and 1-on-1 counseling.

Our Vision

Bring 1 Million Warriors Home

To achieve the vision for Warriors Heart, we must continue to drive growth, recruit and nurture an incredible team, provide an impeccable product/service, and maintain a solid reputation as the best private warrior focused treatment center(s) in the world.

Our Focus

From 9/11 to a 911 phone call, we take care of those who take care of us. Our focus is to serve adult men and women veterans, active duty military, US law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, and first responders.

“There are many attributes that we all like talking about in the Be, Know, and Do categories of Leadership, and it is good that we talk about them. The real deal though is what happens, what decisions are made by our leaders when the shit hits the fan, when the rubber meets the road, when the metal hits the meat, what then? At those moments, true leaders show how much they care. It is labeled as courage, but really it just means that they care more about the mission and men than they do themselves. That’s nobility. That’s being spiritual. It pierces the veil between the world that we can see and the one we can’t but know it is there. It is amazing and one of the most difficult things for any human to pull off.”
– Tom Spooner
Warriors Heart Co-Founder

Our Core Values

Our core values are the rules and boundaries that define the Warriors Heart culture and personality, and provide the structure to behaviors and decisions made by everyone in the team.

Sobriety Is A Lifestyle

It’s not just what we do, it’s how we choose to live. We are a community of warriors, healers, and support staff united as brothers and sisters in arms facing the battle of addiction and PTSD. Together, we show up and serve in a sober state of mind, body, and spirit, free from chemical influences. We know that addiction blocks the connection to self, others, community, and to a higher power. The sobriety experience at Warrior’s Heart is a spiritual reconnection.

The team members that are in recovery are expected to continue working their program and maintain abstinence. Our Warriors Heart team members that are not in recovery are expected to use wisdom in their personal lifestyle and will never place those in recovery at risk. At Warriors Heart, the sobriety lifestyle of one of sustainability, responsibility, solution, personal development, respect, courage, service, and sometimes acting a little goofy!


We have declared the use of entrepreneurial business as a force for good. Corporate responsibility drives decisions and builds lasting relationships with our people, community, and impacts our environment. As a team, each of us has a very important role in the Warriors Heart healing experience. Success of our mission is based on our ability to effectively respond to objectives, communication, feedback and measurable results in a timely manner.
One of the unspoken parts of responsibility is integrity and honesty. Wielding the truth isn’t as simple as just blurting out whatever is on your mind because it is your truth at the moment. It requires tact and responsible use. Truth is our guiding light when people find themselves in moral or ethical dilemmas. Responsibility of truth is the seed that personal accountability and integrity grow from.


Service is the foundation of Warriors Heart. In every aspect, our mission driven organization was created to serve. At Warriors Heart, selfless service is motivated by love. We believe that this is the underlying horsepower that enables all other values to occur. If I don’t have a measure of love for the mission and each other, it will be impossible for the other values to occur in hard times and tough decisions. Here you will discover a passionate group of individuals that understand that our time, talents, and resources are not just our own. Being there for each other is the core of our work, Warriors Healing Warriors. When we are in service to our fellow beings, we are in service to a higher power. Service at Warriors Heart gives us a satisfaction that self-interests can never offer.

Strength Through Healing

Solutions-Based Organization

There should rarely be a time when we hear the statement “we can’t do that”. We improvise, adapt, and overcome, all within the limits of legal, moral, and ethical laws. We never bring up a problem without at least a concept of a solution, otherwise it is just a complaint.

Drawing by Joonho ‘JK’ Kim TacticalDrawings.com


We must prepare for the long war against addiction. It is very important that everything we do must have this mindset. There will be times when we must hit things hard and fast, but we get to be mindful that this mission will not ever go away in our lifetime. It will be up to the leadership of our team to keep each other in check. We must learn when to push and when to back off.


We bring this up knowing that we are going to have differences in opinion, but as long as mutual respect is given and expected, we can work through any personality differences and tactical decisions. Disrespectful words and deeds will not be tolerated. Accepting that we all make mistakes at times, we commit to breaking down the mistake to draw out the learnings.

Personal Development

We are an organization that is professionally committed to the development of people. We know that the best way to support our mission, our clients, the team, and our communities, is by personal development. Our focus at Warriors Heart is the holistic healing of body, mind, and spirit. Every member of our organization is expected to participate in business and personal development training. Our culture is based upon always improving, personally, and professionally. We are lifelong students. Our environment at Warriors Heart is to empower the human spirit. We make every effort to exude excellence in all facets of our people.

We’re A Little Goofy

The last thing people think of about rehab is fun. By no means is addiction and the pain that goes along with it fun, far from it. At Warriors Heart, we know that a simple smile, laughing again and having fun are key components to the healing process. By example, we remind our clients that they can smile, laugh, and have fun again, all while sober. Fun is the energizing and unifying force that connects us to recovery and life. At Warriors Heart we do intensive work, and we know when to let loose and have some fun and yes, we’re a little goofy.


It takes courage to take a stand for your own life and the lives of your fellow warriors. At Warriors Heart, we support our clients and their loved ones to enroll in the healing process. It takes courage to honestly look at what’s going on internally and to take that first step. We are here to lead by example, share common experiences, and provide the best healing modalities available. As a team, we must have the courage to deal directly with each other; taking on challenges and having the courage to innovate.