What To Bring


  • Photo ID
  • Insurance card
  • Any medical and mental health records


  • Bring all medications, including any prescription; as-needed and medications used regularly
  • Bring all medications in original bottles
  • Bring a list of all supplements you take

Personal – What to Bring

  • Clothing should be casual and in good taste. Clothing that depicts alcohol, drugs, sex, or gambling (or any clothing deemed inappropriate by team) is not allowed.
  • Clothes for outside activities in colder weather October-April
  • Clothes for warmer weather May-September
  • At least one week’s clothes. Include outside wear coat, hat, sunglasses, running shoes, hiking boots, exercise and swim clothes.
  • Please bring a limited amount of clothing. Laundry facilities are available for use.
  • Hygiene: all toiletries (soaps, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, deodorant, shaving equipment, and feminine hygiene products)
  • Other: Appropriate personal pictures (e.g., family).
  • $100.00 in spending cash. Any amount over $100.00 will be held for in the administration safe.
  • MP3 players with headphones

Men’s Clothing

  • Appropriate attire: jeans, t-shirts, casual slacks, shorts, board shorts, sport shirts, jogging/walking shorts (covering ¾ of the thigh).
  • Bathing suits must be boxer-type, no speedos boys.

Women’s Clothing

  • Appropriate attire: jeans, t-shirts, casual slacks, sportshirts, skirts and dresses that are knee length or longer, jogging suits and shorts such as walking shorts (covering ¾ of the thigh).
  • Bathing suits for women must be one piece.
  • No low-cut tops, blouses with spaghetti straps or tank tops. Bare midriffs are unacceptable.

What To Leave at Home

Upon admission, our team will examine and check-in any of your belongings that are deemed inappropriate to store in your room. These may include:

  • Weapons of any kind. We know this may be hard for most warriors. Don’t worry – they will still be there when you get home.
  • If you bring your own vehicle, keys will be stored in the house safe
  • No clothing with liquor logos or advertisements or drug references
  • No pornographic materials of any kind
  • Non-prescription medications
  • Excessive or expensive jewelry
  • Radios, TVs, laptops, cameras, audio/video equipment
  • Glass items
  • Products containing alcohol (mouthwash, hairspray, perfume, facial washes, lotions, etc.)
  • Irons, candles, or incense
  • Firearms and ammunition