Warriors Heart Reveals Top Addiction Is Alcohol Abuse

Warriors Heart’s Clinical Team announces the number 1 addiction challenge faced by their private residential treatment program clients for “warriors” is alcohol abuse. With 84% of Warriors Heart clients (military, veterans, law enforcement, firefighters, and first responders) having alcohol as their primary issue, and opioids as a strong second, the clinical team specializes in healing warriors who use chemical dependencies as a coping mechanism.

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Warriors Heart Opens First Private Warriors Only Healing Center in US

As of April 6th, Warriors Heart has officially opened its doors to millions of warriors in need of healing. Our dedicated team has been working hard at providing a fully inclusive environment for warriors in many walks of life to recover from various physical and mental ailments as well as substance addictions. We have been licensed by the state of Texas to run the first private residential treatment program in the US for Warriors Only in Bandera, Texas.

We’ve also been featured in the Bandera Bulletin!