running for addiction recovery

Trauma-Informed Fitness: Benefits of Exercise for Addiction Recovery

Exercise is a powerful tool for individuals recovering from substance abuse and PTSD, helping to regulate stress hormones, improve mood, and build resilience. However, not all fitness programs are suitable for those with trauma histories. Trauma-informed fitness creates a safe, empowering space where movement supports emotional well-being and recovery. By prioritizing safety, autonomy, and emotional regulation, trauma-informed exercise helps manage PTSD symptoms, reduce addiction cravings, and foster mental resilience.

- Warriors Heart is an addiction and PTSD treatment center for active military, veterans, and first responders. Contact us today at (844) 448-2567.

Who’s the biggest foe: COVID or Addiction?

COVID-19 with the “Delta” variant, along with the newest variant “Omicron,” has inflicted devastation on public health around the world; disrupting all aspects of life globally. As the unknown future of this ever-mutating virus continues, a largely unmasked nation walks the line of a “new normal;” celebrating the return to near-ordinary life with children returning…

Warriors Heart is an addiction and PTSD treatment center for active military, veterans, and first responders. Contact us today at (844) 448-2567.

Medication Assisted Treatment For Opioid Addiction: A New Perspective

When Americans are asked to recognize U.S. service members, law enforcement and first responders, the feelings of reverence honoring those men and women are of unity and appreciation. The recognition that these heroes sacrifice their safeties in daily battles is generally met with gratitude and celebration. But these heroes are fighting even after their life…

Warriors Heart is an addiction and PTSD treatment center for active military, veterans, and first responders. Contact us today at (844) 448-2567.

Caring for Our Caregivers during Isolation

Working within high stress environments is familiar for first responders, law enforcement, emergency room and intensive care staff. Frontline workers have been trained to maintain a level of composure while performing complicated procedures like gunshot wounds, heart attacks, and patients coding. The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a new challenge to this group of professionals; a chronic…

Jiu-jitsu Is More Than What It Appears

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu developed from the work of two brothers named Carlos and Helio Gracie who learned the techniques from a Japanese man named Mitsuyo Maeda who migrated to Brazil around 1917. Jiu-jitsu is not what it appears. When people learn that I study Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a common response I get is, “Oh you do MMA.”  They think of me as a fighter in a cage or ring. This is a narrow perception of…

How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries with Clients

How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries with Clients Understanding boundaries is an important step to achieving physical and emotional health. They can empower you, protect your self-esteem, and lead to healthy relationships in your personal and professional life. Boundaries are limits or rules that help us understand what is safe and permissible, when dealing with other…

Facts about seasonal depression - Warriors Heart is an addiction and PTSD treatment center for active military, veterans, and first responders. Contact us today at (844) 448-2567.

The Facts About Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is often unfairly perceived as just “feeling down” during the the times of year when temperatures drop and the days grow shorter. But in reality, it is a subset of clinical depression that has been long been observed by mental health professionals, making its first appearance in scientific literature in the mid-19th century.