
Dangers of Detoxing Alcohol Alone

Dangers of Detoxing Alcohol Alone

Alcohol abuse is dangerous and can place your life at risk. That’s why it’s not surprising that many alcoholics who wish to reclaim their life attempt multiple times to quit. However, attempting to detox from alcohol at home can come with several problems.

Learn more about the dangers of alcohol detoxing at home and why you should go to an alcohol detox center for your treatment.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be extreme

Quitting alcohol cold turkey can seem appealing for many. However, the risks far outweigh the minimal benefits that you’ll get at the beginning. What starts as a mild headache and a craving could easily turn into a seizure or gastric bleeding, which will put your life at risk.

The most serious symptoms of alcohol detox occur up to 5 days after your last drink. These include delirium tremens, commonly known as DTs. DTs can cause profound confusion, hallucinations, seizures, and hyperactivity. There is also the potential for cardiovascular problems that could lead to a seizure, heart attack, or stroke.

The risks associated with quitting alcohol cold turkey aren’t only for those who are quitting for the first time. There are also increased risks for those who have repeatedly quit alcohol in their lives. Often called “kindling”, this places you at a higher risk for life-threatening symptoms if you continue to relapse and quit repeatedly.

What happens when you suddenly quit alcohol?

Withdrawal symptoms will begin to appear, often ranging from mild to unbearable, depending on your genetics. These include:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Rage
  • Mood swings
  • Heart failure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Convulsions

The extent and intensity of the symptoms depend on several factors, including the amount of time they have abused alcohol or other drugs.

Why choosing medical detox is the best option

It’s understable that many might not want to go to an alcohol detox center when they can simply detox at home. It’s cheaper, and all you have to do is place the bottle down. However, that’s easier said than done. The risks of doing it yourself far outweigh the benefits of having professionals care for you during the process.

If you decide to treat yourself you might end up in the emergency room or hospital due to the withdrawal symptoms you will experience. Placing your life in danger to save some money is not worth the risk. Neither are the high costs of an ambulance ride or a hospital visit to manage your symptoms.

Others might rely on their friends to take care of them during the recovery process. However, your most trusted friends and family members won’t be able to provide proper medical care. No amount of care from family members can replace a team of medical professionals who are solely dedicated to helping you heal.

Some might simply think they can do it by themselves. However, those who attempt to quit alcohol on their own are at a higher risk for severe relapse due to a lack of accountability.

Don’t fight the battle against alcohol alone

Warriors Heart offers an alcohol detox center solely dedicated to Warriors. There, we offer active military, veterans, firefighters, all law enforcement, EMTs, and other warriors with treatment to recover their life back from the dangers of alcohol or drug abuse. Our facilities are equipped with medical staff and resources to ensure that your recovery is successful.

Contact us today and begin the journey to a better life.
Find Peace (844) 448-2567

Warriors Heart

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