Alex Lowhorn
Alex Lowhorn was born and raised in Bandera, Texas. She spends most of her time with her family and friends and she loves the outdoors especially at night. Alex is currently finishing school online to get her diploma. She loves everything art wise and she loves cooking with her mother and grandmother. Alex takes after both of them when it comes to the kitchen. She’s been right by their side since she could walk. Alex is a very creative person and loves to help out others the best she can. She always takes care of family and enjoys all the time they spend together.
My Why:
I love being able to help out people the best i can, my brother is currently deployed in korea. I love cooking for people. It makes me very happy, especially if it’s for a good cause to help out others. I didn’t know much about Warriors Heart until my mom started talking to me about it. I’m so thankful I get to be able to cook for the people here. It makes me very proud to know that they are getting some wonderful meals by all of our chefs every day.