Brendan Hamner
Admission Advocate
Brendan was born in Camden, New Jersey and after moving through the US from NJ to Ohio to Kentucky and then Georgia all by the age of 7. His family then moved to Toronto, Canada where he was raised for the next 15 years. He loved living there. Growing up in Canada, Brendan enjoyed playing Hockey, at a young age Brendan discovered the ‘Party Lifestyle, Work Hard, Play Harder’ & felt like he finally found somewhere he belonged as he had not quite felt like he fit in anywhere. Having extensive experience with multiple family members afflicted by addiction, Brendan has seen it from both sides of the disease.
Growing up in a home where it was just his Dad, brother and him, as his mother is an alcoholic Brendan didn’t have the typical white picket fence upbringing, but was grateful for the opportunities provided to him by his father. After moving to Houston, TX in 2012, Brendan was still not aware of how bad his addiction would get. After a couple attempts at getting sober, Brendan has fully surrendered and been sober since January of 2024.
In his spare time Brendan enjoys spending time with his 2 daughters, playing softball, coloring, being creative, whether that be cooking, art, or anything that challenges him to think outside the box, as well as helping others in the recovery community whenever and however he can. He has 3 brothers and a sister
My Why:
My Why is simple, being passionate about recovering from a Hopeless state of mind and body myself, I have watched how God has worked miracles in my life and continues to do so on a daily basis. I have seen true miracles take place in Recovery and want to give away what was so freely given to me. Although I haven’t been a warrior myself, I have a lot of friends and family that have been and have nothing but the utmost respect for those who risk their lives to Protect and Serve our Country and Communities. I want to help impact other peoples lives and show that recovery IS possible because ‘Impossible’ just means that I’m Possible. If I can impact just one persons life, that’s a win, and with Warriors Heart looking to bring home 1 million Warriors, I hope to be able to positively contribute to that goal.
One of my favorite tattoos I have that refer to often is ‘Heaven’s not a place that you go when you die, its that moment in life when you actually feel ALIVE’ & I am grateful to finally have a little piece of heaven in my life being alive and free, feeling like I am living life again and not just existing.