Chris Molnar
Chris Molnar was born in Amarillo TX and is a native Texan. When he was 3 his mother lost her mind and moved them to Cleveland, Ohio, where Chris spent the next 10 years of his life freezing to death. (Go Browns!) When Chris was 14, his father passed away and his family moved to Tyler, Texas.
Chris worked several years in Tyler after dropping out of high school at 16. At 21 he was tired of working paint and body, so he went to college in Amarillo to study engineering. After his second year, he ran out of funds and decided to enlist in the Army. Chris was a 91B Field Medic assigned to Lister Army Hospital. After a couple of years there, he was transferred to Flatiron Air Ambulance Unit and got his Flight Identifier.
Chris left the Army in 1998 with 750 hours of flight time and moved to San Antonio. He switched fields from people to computers and has been in the IT field ever since. Chris began as help desk and has progressed to Director of IT with Southwest Area Regional Transit.
Chris met his wife Amy in 1998 shortly after moving back to Texas. They have 2 boys ages 16 and 18, Ryan and Ethan, respectively. Chris and his family moved from Uvalde to Bandera 5 years ago and are awfully glad they did. They have both joined the Lion’s Club International and enjoy helping the community with various needs.
When the opportunity to work for Warrior’s Heart came up, Chris jumped. He missed the camaraderie that can only come from those that have served. This includes first line responders. As a medic in Alabama, his organization (Flatiron), coordinated military assistance to safety and traffic, where they worked hand in hand with Police, Fire, and EMS in all types of emergencies. They were called for hospital transfers, wrecks, fires, natural emergencies, missing persons, support for DEA raids and NASCAR. Chris knows that when you are speaking with persons to whom Warrior’s Heart serves, it really helps to have served in those situations. Though Chris is mostly involved with the technology, he still feels he will be able to contribute to the mission overall.