Leticia Mendiola
Med Tech Team Lead
Leticia Mendiola was born in San Antonio Texas and has lived there most of her life. She went to school in San Antonio and continues her education in SATX to this day. Leticia is now working on a degree in software development to hopefully someday create medical software that a medical professional can be proud of (one of actual medical caliber). Leticia has been in the medical field for 12 years now and it is one of her passions. Here at Warriors Heart she is the Team Lead Med Tech in the Medical department. In her spare time she enjoys running, weight lifting, and music to name a few things. A main passion she has is education. She loves learning and is always doing that. I work at Warriors Heart to learn and teach. I am passionate about military and first responders coming from a law enforcement family. I believe that even the strong need help and I am here for that.
My Why:
I work at Warriors Heart to learn and teach. I am passionate about military and first responders coming from a law enforcement family. I believe that even the strong need help and I am here for that.