Michele Hastings
Lakeside CD Team Lead / LCDC
Michele Hastings is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and a certified Alcohol Drug Counselor. She has worked in the field of substance use for more than twenty years. Her wide array of experience over the years has included Detox, Outpatient and Residential Treatment facilities; she has worked with children, adolescents, adults and families.
Michele was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to a mother who was an Air Force veteran and dad that was active-duty Army. Of all the places she has lived over the years, she always ended up back in Texas and eventually made Texas home. She now lives in the Hill Country and enjoys time with her kids, grandkids and dogs.
My Why:
As the daughter of two Veterans, one of the first lessons I learned were duty, love of country and service to others. The first supervisor I had in the substance use field many years ago, said to me, “what we do is a mission and we find our purpose in it”. I have never forgotten that and lived my career with that in mind. Working at the ‘Heart’ for more than a year now, I am reminded every day that I get to serve those men and women that have given so freely of themselves. Not only am I blessed beyond words but so very privileged that I get to walk alongside them on their path to recovery. And just like every warrior that comes here, I am home.