Natalya Stadler
Nurse Practitioner
Natalya Stadler is a board-certified multilingual Nurse Practitioner with over a decade of inpatient and outpatient clinical experience, including substance abuse, surgical first assist, acute care, primary care, and orthopedics. In 2014, she obtained a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions in Boston, Massachusetts, and in 2010, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications with an International Studies and Psychology minor from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. Natalya has proudly served as a Captain in the role of Clinical Nurse and International Health Specialist in the Texas Air National Guard. Natalya has also served as a Deputy Coroner in Clallam County, Washington, and a Police Cadet in Austin, Texas. She is finishing her Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice and is certified as a medicolegal and forensic investigator in the state of Washington. Additionally, Natalya has been practicing for over six years as a legal medical consultant, providing attorneys with medical expertise on complex disability and personal injury cases. She is also a Programs Manager and a member of the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners Strategic Planning Committee.
My Why:
When I learned about Warrior’s Heart, I was thrilled about its unique program. It is the only nationwide treatment center tailored to service members and first responders in a home-like environment. I always say that the most challenging patients/clients come from the toughest backgrounds. These individuals are selfless and brave but often tend to neglect themselves while dedicating their lives to service for others. Therefore, it is so rewarding to help, empower, and heal them so they can continue their journey to serve our communities and our country. My role in supporting these warriors is not solely a profession but a calling that stems from my deep empathy and understanding of their challenges.