Starting Projects for Depression Management
When depression is at its worst, it can feel like it’s sending you down a deep hole with no escape. Try as you might, it’s tough to climb back out and get back to your life. For those with this struggle in their lives, it can sometimes be helpful to undertake projects that assist you in clearing your mind and centering your life. It’s a small step, to be sure, but it might just make a difference. Here’s why do-it-yourself projects for depression management can go a long way.
Turn Your Mindset Around
The benefits of working with your hands in some capacity have been noticed by several researchers over these years. Studies suggest that levels of anxiety are decreased among subjects who devote a small amount of their day to an art project of some kind. One study, in particular, indicates the potential of “music engagement, visual arts therapy, movement-based creative expression, and expressive writing” as an aid to temporarily forget depression/anxiety disorders and focus on positive aspects. In this way, creative projects function as a sort of meditation exercise.
One thing you might want to look for when starting projects for depression management is a certain degree of repetition. Repetitive motions can have a calming rhythm to them, and they require just enough concentration to really occupy your mind and shut out external triggers, which can be beneficial to those diagnosed with PTSD. And remember, finding a project and getting in touch with your creative side can have long-term positive effects on your mindset. For those locked in a spiral of depression that feels self-destructive, it’s important to remember that you possess the power to create as well.
Projects to Pursue
So, it’s been established that getting out of your seat and picking up a project is good for you… but what kind of project should you select? Obviously, the final choice is up to you, but here are a few suggestions.

It doesn’t have to be complex, just start simple and see what kind of meal you can put together. Once you get more comfortable in the kitchen, start experimenting.

Is there an artistic medium you particularly enjoy? Or maybe there’s an art skill you want to try and develop? Get creative, whether you’re just doing pencil sketches or getting serious and heading to an art supply store for some new canvas.

Home Decorating/Improvements
You might feel like you’re getting in the zone when you break out the tools and start fixing or improving things around the house. Look out for opportunities to make seasonal/holiday improvements, for a start.

Take a chance to get out of the house and photograph your surroundings. Don’t worry if you don’t have an expensive camera – shots taken with your smartphone can look amazing too.

Playing Music
Whether you’re picking up an old instrument after a period of neglect or trying something brand new, losing yourself in music is a great way to refocus your mind.
It can be tough to get started or even daunting, but picking up these projects for depression management can really help you get into a better state of mind. Of course, it’s only one step on the path to improvement.
If you feel like you need help getting back to a state of mind where you no longer feel broken, ashamed, or scared, get in touch with Warriors Heart today. We offer a safe, transforming environment where you can recover and heal alongside other warrior classes who understand your struggle.
Call us anytime 24/7 at (888) 378-1474. Come heal with dignity and respect.