Press Releases

Warriors Heart Announces TRICARE® Contract for Private Addiction Treatment

Warriors Heart proudly announces that we are now a certified TRICARE® provider.

Our cofounder and former Special Forces operator Tom Spooner said, “We are grateful to be TRICARE Credentialed so we can heal more warriors in a very special place. I’ve been involved in recovery since 1992, and a warrior since 1990, and have seen first-hand the effects of war on myself and my family. Warriors Heart is the only place that I’ve ever experienced where I can be 100% myself, and now it is helping heal other like-minded people.”

According to the TRICARE website, “Being a TRICARE provider means that you are treating America’s heroes – the people making sacrifices to keep America strong and safe.”

We are grateful to be a TRICARE provider and look forward to providing healing for our frontline heroes.

Warriors Heart

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